In-home caregivers can help our aging loved one and bridge the gap between the hospital and home and can meet the needs of our clients.
In-home care is an option whether you’re a senior, a child, or in the middle of your working career….if you find yourself in the hospital then you want to get better, get out, and you don’t want to go back!
Preventing re-hospitalization is nothing new for in-home care agencies. The in-home care industry has been held accountable since its inception because it has always been in the best interest of the client, the family, the referral source and the agency to have a smooth and seamless transition home. In-home care organizations who have had more experience in safely managing care for seniors once they transition home have an opportunity to lead this effort when coordinating with upstream service providers like hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. More simply put, risk of returning to the hospital is lowered when you have a trained caregiver to be on the lookout for symptoms and other clues that may signal a health problem related to a patient’s hospital stay. Once identified, detailed monitoring helps ensure reporting so that appropriate nursing intervention and health problems are dealt with proactively and the patient gets the care he or she needs without going back to the hospital.
So how do licensed in-home care
agencies help reducea client’s risk
of hospitalization re-admittance?
It is done by carefully following a prescribed service plan that:
1. Reduces the risk of falls and injuries by completing a home safety assessment.
2. Keeps our clients healthy by managing the medication requirements.
3. Prepares healthy meals to assist in healing facilitated by proper nutrition.
4. Supports the exercise program as prescribed by home health
5. Offers companionship to remain engaged and connected.
6. Communicates with the family on progress and concerns so that care can be proactively managed.
In-home caregivers can help our aging loved one and bridge the gap between the hospital and home and can meet the needs of our clients. All of this healthcare collaboration is good news for our clients because for the first time the healthcare industry is aligned with the best interest of our aging population. When that happens we all win.
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Home Matters Caregiving
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