The Current Problem: A 2014 study by the Equal Rights Center found that 48% of LGBT-identified seniors “experienced unfavorable differential treatment in terms of availability of housing, pricing, financial incentives, amenities or application requirements.” Many LGBT older adults are forced to hide their sexual orientation and/or gender identity to avoid mistreatment, harassment and discrimination in senior living environments.
The Solution: SAGE Metro Portland developed the Housing Equality Survey Tool, used to vet and identify LGBT-friendly housing providers in our area. In 2015, SAGE Metro Portland published the nation’s first local consumer guide to finding safe and welcoming housing for LGBT people as they age. The survey is now being replicated in other parts of the country.
In an effort to broaden our reach to consumers and to include more housing providers, we are launching a new partnership with our friends at Retirement Connection who have agreed to add a highlight “LGBT Designated” housing communities. This will provide more choices for LGBT older adult consumers when shopping for housing. To become “LGBT Designated” communities have shown a commitment to going above to become more educated and inclusive. This process includes minor adjustments to some and policies, as well as, ongoing staff trainings. The communities that chose to become “LGBT Designated” prior to printing the current edition, are listed on the page to the right. More will be added as we grow the program and increase awareness.
SAGE Metro Portland, a program of Friendly House, seeks to enrich the lives of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) people aged 60+ throughout the Metro region. For over 15 years, SAGE Metro Portland has been the preeminent social service organization focused on developing strengths and overcoming challenges for this vulnerable population.
We Offer:
- Case Management/Options Counseling
- Caregiver Support
- Information and Referral Services
- Trainings
- Community Outreach
- Activities and Special Events
- Friendly Visitor Volunteer Program
- Advocacy
Do you live or work in an LGBT-friendly senior living Community? If so, we want to hear from you!
To become an LGBT Designated Senior Living Community, or for more information, email:
Article Provided by:
SAGE Metro Portland
(Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders)