Staff Changes at Northwest Parish Nurese Ministries

Staff Changes at NPNM

Since Mary Cornils Baich has completed the terms of her Interim Executive Director agreement with Northwest Parish Nurse Ministries (NPNM), the Board of Directors eliminated her position as of July 31, 2014. We appreciate the work that she did over the past nine months, especially her comprehensive and thought-provoking report that will guide us into the future.

Replacing Mary will be a person familiar to Northwest Parish Nurse Ministries, former executive director, Annette Stixrud. Her position will be that of Transition Executive Director. Her responsibilities will be to:

Reactivate the network of Coordinators
Connect with Faith Community Nurses/Health Ministers
Increase the visibility of Health Ministry in congregations
Nurture and expand partnerships with health care organizations, schools of nursing and social service agencies
Serve as a catalyst for grant writing

Concurrent with Stixrud’s tenure, Janyce Lundstedt, Faith Community Nurse and NPNM Board member, will be chairing a Re-Creation Task Force whose purpose is to:

Propose a new Vision for NPNM
Propose a new name for NPNM, considering the American Nurse Association (ANA) use of the term “Faith Community Nurse” in its scope and standards of practice and the increasing use of “Health Ministers”.
Propose a new model of operation for NPNM that will foster actualization of its Mission and new Vision

Building on Mary’s work, the Task Force hopes to have something to present at the Celebration of Health fundraiser on October 17 and 18, 2014 in Seattle and Portland respectively. Another outgrowth of their work will be a job description for a new executive director.

We are on the move.  Please Keep us in your prayers.


Bruce Strade, President
NPNM Board

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