Cherriots Route Changes Effective January 3rd, 2017

For those of you who have individuals who utilize the Cherriots bus system, it is important to know that on January 3rd, 2017, some routes will have different numbers but in general, will serve the same stops and areas as they currently do. What may cause confusion for individuals accessing Cherriots, are the different numbers on the bus signs and the different numbers at the bus bays at the transportation centers. For example, the current route number 1 that travels from Keizer Transit Center to South Salem will not exist any longer in the new system. Route 19 will travel down Broadway and River Road from Keizer Transit Center and the Downtown Transit Center and Route 21 will travel to South Commercial and the Downtown Transit Center in January. If anyone has any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the Cherriots Customer Service or consult the Cherriots website that will be updated with the new route information 2 weeks prior to January 3rd.

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