A Career in the Long Term Health Care Continuum
In Health Care, the human touch still makes a difference. You can unlock your inner resources with a career in long term health care.
Why consider career in long term health care?
* Join These Growing Industries: Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Home Health, Assisted Living, Hospice Care, Adult Day Programs, Group Homes
* Your Skills Will Always be in Demand
* You will Find Opportunities for Career Advancement
* Flexible Schedules
* Benefits–child care, transportation, health & life insurance, holiday pay
* Specialize in Your Areas of Interest: Rehabilitation, Psychiatric Care, Geriatrics, Hospice Care, Alzheimer’s, Developmental Disabilities
Consider becoming a Certified Nurse Aide (CAN). Did You Know?
* Certified Nurse Aides (CNA’s) provide the majority of direct care to residents in nursing homes and other health care settings.
* Certified Nurse Aides are Health Professionals: CNA’s must be certified by the State Board of Nursing (BON) of the state they reside in. To become certified, you must take and successfully complete courses that teach you to deliver personal care, recognize the mental health and social services needs of your clients, help people regain their skills and independence, and know the rights of residents and patients.
You will also learn communication and interpersonal skills; infection control procedures; safety and emergency procedures; and how to encourage and promote residents’ rights and independence.
* Certified nurse aides work as members of a health care team.
* They monitor clients and alert others when there are changes in condition.
* They participate in care planning for the people they work with.
Often, certified nurse aides develop very close relationships with their clients and family members by providing companionship and care.
How To Become A CNA?
* Classes: Take CNA training courses. These are offered by nursing homes, community colleges and vocational schools, and by private contractors. Pass both oral and written tests.
* Application to the your State Board of Nursing/Criminal Background Check:
Submit an application to your State Board of Nursing. Along with your application for certification, you must submit a Criminal Background Check performed within 90 days before your request for certification. Call the Board of Nursing to find out which state agencies have been approved to conduct the background check and contact one of them. There is a fee for background checks, but some facilities may reimburse you.*
*Some regulations may vary in some states.
* This background check must show that you have not been convicted (found guilty in a court of law) of felonies such as abuse, theft or fraud.
Benefits of Being A Certified Nurse Aide:
* On-the-Job Training: Some nursing homes teach their own CNA courses and provide you with on-the-job training. You receive a salary and gain work experience while learning. The State Board of Nursing has a list of the nursing homes that provide CNA training. State law allows you to work as a nurse aide in a nursing home for a maximum of four months while you are training and receiving your certification.
* Child Care: Nursing homes and other health care facilities may offer on-site child care or help pay your child care costs for off-site day care.
* Flexible Schedules: Nursing homes and other health care settings need CNA’s around the clock. Many are willing to work with you to develop a work schedule that meets the mutual needs of the employer and employee.
* Ongoing Education and Training: Ongoing education and training classes are offered. You can learn new skills while at work!
* Career Ladders: Health care facilities want to keep good people. Many now offer “career ladders” where you can earn more money as you take on more responsibility and new skills. Health care providers appreciate employees who make a commitment to stay with them.
* Your Choice of Locations: Do you prefer rural, urban or suburban environments? Choose where you would like to live and work. There are thousands of health care providers throughout the state, located in all types of communities and geographical areas.
* The People You Work With and For: If you are a “people person” and want to make a difference in somebody’s life, work as a CNA.
Starting Your Journey to a Career in Health Care:
Visit a nursing home or health care facility in your area. It is best to call ahead. Explain that you are interested in becoming a CNA and would like to visit their facility.
Source: Long Term Care Advisory Committee to the Health Facilities and Emergency Medical Services Division of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment in cooperation with the Colorado Health Care Association, the Colorado Association of Homes and Services for the Aging, the Colorado Board of Nursing and the Office of the State Ombudsman. www.cdphe.state.co.us
Provided by: The Staff at www.RetirementConnection.com
For more information: www.cdphe.state.co.us
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