Important Information for Persons With a DMV-Issued Disabled Parking Permit
The 2009 Legislature passed Senate Bill 937, which requires all persons applying for an original or renewal of a disabled person parking permit to submit certification from a medical professional that the applicant is a person with a permanent disability. In the past, only original applications required the certification form.
Medical professionals qualified to sign your application are licensed physicians, certified nurse practitioners, licensed physician assistants, or licensed optometrists. The medical professional must sign the certification within six months before the date of application. The medical certification must include the state-issued licensing number of the medical professional who signs.
If you hold a permanent renewable disabled parking permit, you will receive a form you can use for this purpose with your driver license or ID card renewal reminder. The form has your driver license or ID card renewal information on one side and a certification form for the medical professional to sign on the reverse side.
These renewal reminders will replace the postcard renewal reminder you have received in the past when it was time to renew your disabled parking privilege. Also, the necessary permit renewal certification forms are available on the DMV Web site, field offices and many doctors’ offices.