What Is A Geriatric Care Manager?
A Geriatric Care Manager (GCM) is a person who has been trained to work with seniors, families, guardians, and caregivers. Your GCM should have training and experience in one of several areas: nursing, gerontology, social work, or psychology.
Why use a Geriatric Care Manager?
A GCM can assist family members, guardians or conservators in the following ways:
Assessment: Your GCM will start with an assessment covering several domains – physical abilities, mental status, cognitive functioning, and living environment.
Care Plan: Once the assessment is complete, your GCM will create a care plan specifically tailored to the senior’s needs. The care plan includes recommendations for care and monitoring the safety and stability of the senior.
Arrange services: If the care plan is approved, your GCM can arrange services for the senior. Services include things such as in-home caregivers, placement into a higher level of care (including assisted living, adult family homes, or skilled nursing), home health, medical appointments, quality of life activities and more.
Monitor ongoing needs: Once the care plan has been adopted and services begun, your GCM will continue to monitor the care provided to the senior. GCM’s generally accompany seniors to doctor appointments and communicate to the doctor the symptoms a senior is experiencing, and then communicates back to the family or facility the doctor’s orders. Your GCM will follow up with the facility or caregivers to ensure that doctor’s orders are being followed.
Partnership: Geriatric case managers work together with families and responsible parties. Your GCM will know their community, and the resources and benefits available to your senior. Whether the responsible party is in town or hundreds of miles away, they can rest assured knowing that your GCM is looking out for the senior and providing quality care.
Personal advocate: Seniors can hire a GCM on their own. Whether you are confused at doctor visits and want another set of eyes and ears there or just would like to know that someone is watching over your care, your GCM will be there – to advocate for your needs and provide you with peace of mind.
GCM’s help seniors remain safe at home – wherever that home may be.
For more information please go to the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers atwww.caremanager.org or contact Social Work Services at www.social-work-services.com
Article Provided by:
By Niki Tucker, MSW, Owner
Social Work Services
(971) 533-2365