Life after Driving
Transportation can be a critical issue for older adults as well as caregivers. Planning ahead and understanding the available options can give older adults and their caregivers peace of mind knowing that there are alternatives available to address their changing needs.
A good place to start learning about these resources is the Eldercare Locator. Administered by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, the Eldercare Locator is dedicated to connecting older adults to local resources that enable them to live independently in their communities. Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs). And Indian Tribal Organizations can provide information about transportation options specific to local communities. Older adults and their caregivers can call the Eldercare Locator at 800-677-1116 or visit its web site at to identity these resource in their area.
The Eldercare Locator recently published a new brochure, “Transportation Options for Older Adults: Choices for Mobility Independence” designed to help older adults and their caregivers with transportation needs and concerns. The brochure describes various types of transportation services for older adults, such as volunteer drivers, paratransit, door-through-door, public transit, travel training and funded transportation vouchers. There is a list of key questions to ask transportation providers to determine the best option to meet individual needs.
The free brochure can be acquired from the Eldercare Locator by calling 800-677-1116. Service providers that work with adults can have multiple copies shipped to them so they can provide the brochure to their clients.
Editor’s Note: has posted a copy of the brochure mentioned in this article on this website. Visit this link: Transportation Options for Older Adults
Article Source: National Center on Senior Transportation, NCST Today, January 2008
Provided by: The Staff at
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