Oral Hygiene: A Simple Step to Better Health
As our bodies age they become more prone to systemic disease such as pneumonia, diabetes, and heart disease. One simple way to help reduce the risk of these diseases is to keep our mouths clean and healthy. Our mouths are the perfect location for germs and infections to dwell. In fact, studies show that germs and infections that start in our mouths can quickly lead to systemic diseases. Quite simply, a healthy mouth leads to a healthy lifestyle.
One way to make sure your mouth is clean and healthy is regular visits to your dentist for checkups and cleanings. Regular dental hygiene services may:
- Enhance oral health and prevent tooth loss
- Minimize the effects of gum disease
- Provide routine checks for early stages of oral cancer
- Protect physical health and increase quality of life
For some seniors, though, a trip to the dentist can be a difficult task. Arranging transportation, long waiting times, and anxiety over the dental work itself all lead to many seniors living below their lifestyle potential. This is especially true for those who either have difficulty leaving their homes or need assistance to make it to an appointment.
To overcome these obstacles, the Oregon Board of Dentistry had made available an advanced dental hygiene license called a Limited Access Permit (LAP). The Limited Access Permit opens up doors for patients to receive the oral care they need without leaving their home. If you or your loved ones require assistance to visit a dentist, you qualify for this in-home dental hygiene service.
Using the tools found in a typical dental office, a fully licensed LAP can provide the following services in your home:
- Oral exam, including oral cancer screening
- Basic and deeper cleaning
- Fluoride treatment
- Denture / Partial cleaning
- Soft Reline (temporary adjustment) of dentures
It’s never too late for a healthy mouth and a healthy lifestyle! Contact your health provider or home care service today to find out if they offer in-home dental hygiene services.
Article Provided by:
Laura Jaussi, RDH, LAP
Adeo In Home Care
Laura Jaussi, RDH, LAP. is the Director of Dental Services for Adeo In Home Care. She has over 13 years dental hygiene experience and has developed programs to bridge dental care services with in-home care.