Washington County Disability, Aging and Veteran Services provides options to help you stay independent, healthy, active, and involved in your community.
Veteran Services
The program ensures that veterans, their families and survivors receive all entitlements provided by Federal and State law. A Veteran Services Coordinator (VSC) serves as the advocate and assists in filing initial Federal VA claims for compensation, pension, and other benefits.
Family Caregiver Support
Program serves unpaid family caregivers who are caring for someone over the age of 60. Resources include paid respite services, medical equipment, one-on-one counseling, support groups, free basic caregiver training, and Powerful Tools for Caregivers classes.
Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA)
Service provides information about Medicare through educational seminars, Medicare 101 classes, and one-on-one counseling at community centers or private homes. Trained volunteers assist people in making informed choices for medical, prescription, claims and appeals.
Lifespan Respite
Program serves the unpaid family caregivers who are providing care to a person of any age who has care giving needs. Provides connections with trained respite care providers, information, and a one-time annual award to help pay for respite care.
Project REACH (Ready to Extend a Caring Hand)
Trained volunteers provide in-person, one-on-one support and assistance to seniors aged 60 years and over as well as family caregivers. Volunteers help individuals access and navigate resources, services and programs to meet their needs.
Information and Assistance
Service helps to increase the community’s access to information and assistance by helping to assess the needs of the client so that they may be linked with a range of services and resources.
Oregon Project Independence (OPI)
Provides limited in-home assistance to individuals over the age of 60, or under the age of 60 with a diagnosis of an Alzheimer’s type dementia. An in-home assessment and financial determination will determine the fee for service.
Nutrition Program
Program provides both on-site and home delivered meal options for Washington County residents. Both options are offered through Loaves and fishes Centers, which serves hot lunches at seven locations and also provides home-delivered meals through their Meals on Wheels program.
Volunteers! Program
Program recruits volunteers and interns for positions to help Washington County Disability, Aging and Veteran Services Division (DAVS).
Call (503) 503-846-3060 or visit www.co.washington.or.us/HHS/DAVS