Being prepared can reduce your anxiety and help you get the quick care you need during an emergency. Stay 100% ready.
Home safety and defensive living are concepts healthcare professionals take very seriously. With a few simple “just in case” precautions these preparations can provide the peace of mind that your family members will be prepared in the event of an emergency. When putting together emergency kits there are a few extra steps that can make all the difference in the world for seniors.
Begin each year with a fresh start. Let the three R’s guide the process:
- Replenish: Stock up important items that are running low.Make sure your first aid kit and emergency supplies of nonperishable food and water are also replenished and ready for the New Year.
- Replace: Essential items that are broken or not working should be replaced or repaired.
- Remove: Dispose of items that are expired, giving special attention to anything you ingest like food or medications.
Common Items to check at home:
- Batteries in all smoke detectors
- Fire extinguishers should be serviced
- Expired medications, pills or creams
- Expired food throughout the home
- Emergency Kit items that need replenishing
Prepare a Personal Health Record
Creating and updating a Personal Health Record can be crucial to save time during an emergency. Keep a hard copy of all documents in a plastic bag within your mobile emergency kit.
What to include:
- Personal Information: Name/ address/ social security number/ date of birth/ phone numbers/ copy of driver’s license/ spouse’s contact
- Emergency Contacts: Names & numbers for current professional care services
- Paperwork: Advance directives such as durable power of attorney or a POLST form
- Primary Care: Contact information for primary physician
- Insurance: Copy of insurance card or policy number
- Medications/ Allergies: Include brand and dosages of medications, vitamins, and supplements/ food and drug allergies/preferred pharmacy contacts.
- Chronic Illnesses:
- Current or re-occurring
- Passwords: Important passwords to access benefits, banking, medical records, email, etc.
- An emergency kit for your car can be found at www.soundoptions.com/mobile-emergency-kit
Being prepared can reduce your anxiety and help you get the quick care you need during an emergency. Stay 100% ready.
Article Provided by:
Mary Lynn Pannen, RN, CCM
Sound Options, Inc
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