Learning A Living

Learning A Living

Oregon employers will benefit from the two five year grants the Department of Education awarded to Easter Seals Oregon. These awards could bring in new training and employment resources to Oregon at a time when economic conditions are stressing the capacity of employment and training funds. The project will serve persons living in the Multnomah, Clackamas, Marion and Polk Counties.

These funds will provide job seeking skills, computer training, direct placement services into permanent employment and self employment support to persons over the age of 40 with a documented disability. It also will serve as an important resource to our returning veterans who may no longer be able to work in their pre-service occupations.

The program is actively enrolling clients who desire the outlined services, and meet the program’ eligibility requirements, in addition to employers focused on diversifying their recruitment resources and staff.

Eligibility Requirements
•    40 years and older
•    A documented disability
•    A willingness to fully participate in the program
•    A commitment to becoming and remaining employed

•    Job Search Skills
•    Job Leads
•    Networking Training
•    Employer Presentations
•    Job Placement Training and Development
•    Computer Classes
•    Life Skills Training

For more information:
Multnomah & Clackamas Counties, (503) 335-6161
Marion and Polk Counties, (503) 362-1572

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