Love and Companionship Aren’t Just for the Young

Being connected to other individuals is one of the best ways to age successfully. According to Pew internet American Life project on on-line dating, 47% of older adults (65+) are still married or in committed relationships. 48% of older adults (65+) are not in a relationship and aren’t looking. A whopping 2% of you are looking for relationships. Where do you find yourself? Are you looking, happily married or have you given up?!

If you’re lucky enough to be in the 47% who are still happily married, are you taking care of your relationship? Are you taking romantic getaways, walks on the beach? Are you still intimate? Intimacy may not look the same as it did when you were younger, but it is still worth experiencing.

There are a number of reasons older adults are not experiencing sexual intimacy. Some prescription medications can decrease the desire for intimacy; such as diuretics and antidepressants. Talk to your physician about your options to bring the spark back. Too much alcohol lowers your sensation levels. One glass of wine is fine but not the whole bottle. Generally, you shouldn’t have to worry about getting pregnant, but you do need to worry about sexual transmitted diseases if you are not in a committed relationship. There are a number of benefits to sexual intimacy: it can be considered moderate exercise, the endorphins released help lift depression, and it helps you to sleep better.

If you are not in a committed relationship and you don’t want one, you still need to stay connected to people in other ways. Have your friends over for lunch, play cards, join a social group. It is a lot easier to stay connected if you are with people who share common experiences. Seek out others with your common likes, and foster a better relationship.

Finally, for the 2% of you who are looking for a relationship, you have many options. Say hello to the friendly man in the doctor’s office or strike up a conversation with the woman in the grocery store- she may make you dinner. Try an on-line dating service specialized for senior citizens. The most important thing is to connect with others, in whichever manner you are seeking. Do not withdraw. Socializing is a skill, and like other skills- use it or lose it.

Provided by: Town Center Village,, 503-594-2505
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