The Administration on Aging (AoA) was created in 1965 with the passage of the Older Americans Act (OAA), and is a lead partner of the National Aging Network (Network), which consists of 56 State Units on Aging (SUA), 655 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA), 239 Tribal and Native organizations, 29,000 service providers, and thousands of volunteers.
What is the Mission of the Administration on Aging?
AoA’s mission is to assist elderly individuals maintain their independence and dignity in their homes and communities through comprehensive, coordinated, and cost effective systems of long-term care, and livable communities across the U.S. AoA works in close collaboration with the Network in developing comprehensive and coordinated systems of home and community-based long-term care.
- Empowering adults as they age with reliable information and access to the care they need.
- Enabling individuals who are at high risk of nursing home placement to remain at home.
- Building disease prevention into community living through the use of low-cost, evidence-based programs.
Who is Eligible to Receive Services?
All older Americans are eligible to receive services. Specific attention is given to those individuals who are in the greatest economic and social need as determined by the OAA and it’s supplemental reauthorizations.
What is the Goal of the Older Americans Act?
The Older Americans Act authorizes grants to states for community planning programs, as well as for research, demonstration, and training projects in the field of aging. The Act also authorized grants to Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) for local needs identification. Included in the OAA 2006 reauthorization was AoA’s Choice for Independence (Choices) initiative. This strategy offers a new forward-looking paradigm for improved integration of health and long-term care systems at the national, state and local levels. The framework will: (1) give people greater choice, control and independence as they grow older and (2) enhance our ability to address the future of long-term care in this country. Choices builds on and integrates the best practices of other recent HHS initiatives including: the Aging and Disability Resource Center Initiative, Own Your Future Long Term Care Awareness Campaign, Cash & Counseling.
For More Information
AoA recognizes the importance of making information readily available to consumers, professionals, researchers, and students. Our website provides information for and about older persons, their families, and professionals involved in aging programs and services. For more information about AoA, please contact: US Dept of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging, Washington, DC 20201; phone (202) 619-0724; fax (202) 357-3523; Email or online at
What Services are Available under the Older Americans Act?
There are four core services funded by the Older Americans Act and include:
- Support Services activities target both the home and the community. The intent is to assist aging individuals in maintaining their independence in the community for as long as effectively possible. Services include assistance with transportation, in-home care, community-based services, such as adult day care and information and referral assistance.
- Nutrition Services gives older Americans the option of receiving balanced and nutritious meals at home or at a congregate setting such as a senior or adult day care center, church or another community facility. Home delivered meals, commonly referred to as “Meals on Wheels,” are often pre-packaged and ready to eat. Meals for seniors who gather at communal sites are typically prepared on site.
- Preventive Health Services programs are designed to promote healthy lifestyles through physical activity, appropriate diet and nutrition and regular health screening, and to educate older persons of the benefits of including these activities in their daily routine.
- National Family Caregiver Support Program recognizes the extensive demands placed on family members and friends who provide primary care for spouses, parents, older relatives, and friends. Its goal is to help ensure caregivers have the assistance and support to fulfill their obligations as best as possible with the least amount of adversity. The program offers individual and group counseling, and training for caregivers and respite care. This program also provides support to the growing number of grandparents caring for grandchildren as well as caregivers of persons 18 and under with mental retardation or developmental difficulties.
Reaching your Local Area Agency on Aging
Your local Area Agency on Aging is the primary resource for information. In a few states, the State Unit or Office on Aging serves as the AAA. You can locate the appropriate AAA or local service provider through Eldercare Locator, the AoA-supported, nationwide, toll-free information and assistance directory. The Locator is reachable at 1-800-677-1116, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Time. For 24-hour access to the Locator, visit
Source: US Dept of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging,
Provided by: The Staff at
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