Having experts in your corner will reduce your stress and save you time. Knowing what to look for in referral agencies, will help you find the best results.
From sprawling retirement communities with hundreds of residents to adult family homes with only a few, the options for senior living are endless. Working alone, most people will be overwhelmed with the choices available and will pick something because it is close or familiar, later discovering that it does not meet their needs. This is where referral agencies come in to play.
When it is time to seek out housing or care, you will benefit from the experience of a credible referral agency. Having experts in your corner will reduce your stress and save you time. Knowing what to look for in referral agencies, will help you find the best results.
Association of Senior Referral Professionals of Washington
(ASRP of WA), is committed to establishing and promoting professional and ethical standards within the senior housing and care referral industry; as well as to those who provide supportive and ancillary services for older and other frail adults within the state of Washington. A common business interest of all members is to create a unified and consistent voice which promotes, develops and facilitates:
1. Ethical standards which create a quality experience for seniors, frail adults, and the people who support them.
2. Recommended best practices and the education of members, with a shared goal of improving consumer awareness of options and increasing the ability of consumers to make informed decisions.
3. Education to increase the knowledge and skills of members regarding aging, aging related products and services, communication, decision-making and conflict resolution.
4. Education to increase consumer awareness of aging, senior housing and care options, effective processes for making life transition decisions, and to improve communication amongst family members, and with health care professionals and insurance carriers.
5. A means for consumers, senior housing and care providers, health care professionals, other professionals or community members to provide feedback to the entire referral industry.
6. The use of referral professionals as a means of making effective use of time, energy and resources for consumers and senior housing and care providers.
7. Transparency, disclosure, accuracy of information, and effective, recommended business practices within the senior housing and care referral industry.
8. Protection of consumers by communicating residents’ rights, current and future RCWs & WACs impacting consumers.
9. Collaborative opportunities for consumers and members of the association to have a voice in future legislation and regulation regarding senior housing and care services.
10. Protection of consumers by communicating the option to file complaints to the Ombudsman, The Department of Social & Health Services, Adult Protective Services, The Attorney General, and other regulatory or social service agencies.
Article Provided by:
Susannah Youngquist, CayCare Inc.
www.asrpwa.org, www.CayCare.com
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