Education Page

Upcoming Case Manager Events by region…


Evergreen Medical Center, November 6th Registration Link – At this time registration is only open to Retirement Connection Sponsors and specific providers that were requested by the hospital. Space is very limited, so be sure to claim your spot. Registration will automatically close when at capacity.
*Note – the hospital has asked that you don’t sign up for this event if you participated in February to allow other providers the chance to meet and connect with hospital staff.


Adventist Medical Center, October 2- Registration open for Retirement Connection Sponsors




None scheduled at this time

The Transitions of Care meeting’s goal is to improve communication between case management and community providers, especially related to readmissions and start of care following a hospital visit. All Oregon & Washington markets now meet together on the 1st Tuesday of EVEN months at 11:30am. Please contact Amy if you feel your company was missed on reminder emails and should be included.

August 13, 11:30am *Updated Date* 

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 503 505 5865

One tap mobile
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Click here for CEU Poster Guidelines & Resources

Educational CEU Posters from previous events

Below are several examples of the educational posters and materials which were shared at recent Hospital Resource Fairs that were coordinated by Retirement Connection and provided by participating sponsors.

Simply click an image to see an enlarged view